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New Diplomacy

by on March 29, 2013

New diplomacy has different compositions and mechanism and all these mechanisms in their respective importance contribute to the way diplomacy functions.  It is believe that the New diplomacy can achieve its true meaning when all areas of intelligence have being exploited ranging from closed door meetings, secrecy in diplomacy and now it involves all ways through which results can be achieved. Another important mechanism from new diplomacy is how public diplomacy has emerged in an increasingly important and how states realise the important way to engage by using dialogue and soft power rather than hard power in new diplomacy. Thirdly, celebrities are able to participate in diplomatic activities with the notion of achieving good and fast results.

High level of technology in the twenty-first century plays significant role in diplomacy. It does not only serve as an easy of way of communication but rather it has improved the level of diplomatic negotiations. Old diplomacy was seen in the olden days as for days either on chariots, other forms of transportation or envoys but through this method new methods of technological advancement have being introduced, to be able to improve the way diplomats interact and negotiates using high level and secured means of communications and also share information via e-mails.

Technology has enable embassies to improve their way sharing information on their websites. Today it is easy acquire information needed from an embassies websites in over five different languages without seeking for translator. This shows how easy information has been made through techno-logic advancement. Diplomatic officials do not need to have people with them as interpreters.

Non-State Actors such as celebrities engages in diplomatic activities. They do not only highlight on the importance and significance of mass participation but also it enables other non-state actors to participate in diplomacy. Celebrities are sometimes seen as inexperience, but they work with other governments, diplomats and they do not follow protocols as diplomat would do. They are able to respond to situations quicker than some governments would because as far as people in destitute situations are concern it does not matter who provide them with food and shelter and they have easy connection with the general public. Therefore in my opinion high level of technological changes and involvement of non-state actors are the most important aspect and significant area in new diplomacy.

During the old diplomacy policy making was more attentive and careful in relation to their mission abroad since they were seen are the representative of state and also they were seen as firmly the insightful of governments. In the 1990’s New diplomacy began to be recognised broadly when the cold war was calm and the expansion of communication among activists in the new are began to be rampant and widespread of information has become easier. New diplomacy is being used to address many issues such as human rights, humanitarian assistance and also as a means of an alliance between two or more nations in achieving common goal.

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  1. danbird19 permalink

    Excellent Article, that really demonstrates the importance of the new diplomacy

  2. I liked how you looked at the different, but essential aspects of diplomacy that are developing. really good examples too

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